2021 Spring Recital - Sunday @ 1:00 PM
Thank you for joining us today!
As we come to the end of this very unique and often challenging dance year, I would like to take a few moments to say thank you.
Thank you to Jennifer Altwies, Sara Burhans, Ashley Sheldon, and Emily Zemlick for all the leadership and support you have provided to keep BSD afloat during the COVID-19 crisis.
Thank you to the BSD staff who pulled together to provide meaningful instruction while adapting to new methods of instruction beyond working with students in the studio.
Thank you to the parents and guardians for your willingness to change direction at almost a moment’s notice when capacity limits change, teachers are in quarantine, or COVID cases spike in our county. You all are the real MVP’s!
Almost every aspect of our dance lives changed due to this pandemic and I am grateful for the way we responded. COURAGE, RESILIENCE, COMMITMENT. Thank you to our dancers for finding the strength with in you to carry though.
The last year has not been what any of us planned for. It has challenged us and offered us new opportunities in many ways. We have responded the best way we can, TOGETHER. I can think of no better example of our favorite saying, “WE ARE BSD!”
For that, I am beyond grateful to all of you.
Tarah Bernatche
BSD Instructors
Alicia Keinath
Amanda Meeth
Emily Temple
Heather Christy
Jennifer Altwies
Kelly Roemensky
Sara Burhans
Tarah Bernatche
Abigail Close – Associate Instructor
1. Dancin’ Fool
Reese Meyer, Ela Stechschulte, Clara Winstanley, Carys Zemlick
Choreography: Tarah Bernatche
2. Goodship Lollipop
Lydia Pearson
Choreography: Tarah Bernatche
3.Friend Like Me
Ellie Sheldon, Evy Salvatore, Maggie Miller
Choreography: Amanda Meeth
4. Opening Up
Claire Hall, Every Daam, Violet Kunzer
Choreography: Tarah Bernatche
5. Keep Breathing
Reagan Smith
Choreography: Amanda Meeth
6. NaNaNa
Gianna Key, Megan Burhans
Choreography: Tarah Bernatche
7. Can You Hear Me
Emmie Sheldon
Choreography: Amanda Meeth
8. Tell Him
Anna Koch, Olivia Sayen
Choreography: Tarah Bernatche
9. Shake Ya Body
Ava Hoeksema, Gianna Key, Isabella Ledlow
Choreography: Amanda Meeth
10. That Dance That You Do
Carys Zemlick
Choreography: Tarah Bernatche
11. Listen
Channing Harp, Kylie Giddings, Malina Key
Choreography: Tarah Bernatche
12. YooHoo
Addison Dunn, Anna Winstanley, Isla McCurdy
Choreography: Tarah Bernatche
13. Blame it on the Boogie
Eleni Ingalls
Choreography: Tarah Bernatche
14. JoJo Jams
Lenore Bodnar, Lillian Fuller, Lydia Pearson
Choreography: Tarah Bernatche
15. Awards
Dancers will remain seated with their family members for the awards ceremony.