Inclement Weather
BSD will not hold classes when Portage Public Schools is closed due to weather. Classes cancelled due to inclement weather will not be rescheduled.
Make-Up Classes
Dancers are encouraged to make up classes by attending another age appropriate class time. Please contact the studio for makeup options.
Child Drop Off and Pickup
Parents are asked to walk younger dancers to the lobby doors and pick them up after class.
Parent Observation
Parents are invited to observe and videotape their child during “Peek Week”.
Recordings are made regularly of your dancers routine and posted on our Google Classroom. This is a great way for your dancer to practice their routine at home.
Studio Etiquette
All street shoes must be removed in the lobby if there is rain, snow, or ice outside.
The studio design allows for multiple classes to be held simultaneously. Please be respectful of the other classes and refrain from activities that may be distracting to the participants/instructors.
Water bottles may be filled with WATER ONLY.
Dancers may not tap dance in the lobby area while waiting for class to start.
When waiting in the lobby, noise is to be kept at a minimum to avoid distracting classroom learning.
Classroom Etiquette
Most classes will begin with tap. Dancers should put on the proper dance shoe before entering the classroom so class can begin promptly.
We are here to learn dance and have fun.