
Inclement Weather

  • BSD will not hold classes when Portage Public Schools is closed due to weather. Classes cancelled due to inclement weather will not be rescheduled.

Make-Up Classes

  • Dancers are encouraged to make up classes by attending another age appropriate class time. Please contact the studio for makeup options.

Child Drop Off and Pickup

  • Parents are asked to walk younger dancers to the lobby doors and pick them up after class.

Parent Observation

  • Parents are invited to observe and videotape their child during “Peek Week”.

  • Recordings are made regularly of your dancers routine and posted on our Google Classroom. This is a great way for your dancer to practice their routine at home.

Studio Etiquette

  • All street shoes must be removed in the lobby if there is rain, snow, or ice outside.

  • The studio design allows for multiple classes to be held simultaneously. Please be respectful of the other classes and refrain from activities that may be distracting to the participants/instructors.

  • Water bottles may be filled with WATER ONLY.

  • Dancers may not tap dance in the lobby area while waiting for class to start.

  • When waiting in the lobby, noise is to be kept at a minimum to avoid distracting classroom learning.

 Classroom Etiquette

  • Most classes will begin with tap. Dancers should put on the proper dance shoe before entering the classroom so class can begin promptly.

  • We are here to learn dance and have fun.